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"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

Genesis 2:24

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family apostolate

Online Marriage Preparation Course

This course offered by the family apostolate aims to help candidates preparing for marriage to have a clear
understanding of the Christian marriage as per the teachings of the Catholic Church, it deals
with rights and responsibilities of an individual and couple, entrusted by the church through
the Sacrament of Matrimony. It helps the couple to understand the psycho-spiritual,
biological, canonical and legal implications of marriage and thus helping them to enter into a
meaningful relationship post marriage. This course thus fulfils the canonical requirement of
undergoing marriage preparation course prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of

Registration Closed

As we look forward to meeting you through the virtual platform of Zoom for the Marriage Preparation course, we would like to give you a few instructions enlisted below that are mandatory to follow, so that the sessions will be fruitful. Kindly be available as per the schedule shared below:-

27th - 29th September 2024

Friday               1745 – 2000 hrs.

Saturday           0900 – 1800 hrs

Sunday             1500 -  1900 hrs.


  • Before you register, please go through the instructions carefully.

  • The registration Fee is not refundable. However, you shall reschedule to the next available date within 6 months.

  • Please talk to our Director Rev Fr Thomas Attumalil on 97450 25905, before you register and confirm the availability of seats.

  • A recommendation Letter from your Parish Priest is mandatory to attend the class.

  • Since the sessions are on Zoom with the resource persons speaking live, kindly ensure that you have very good internet connection.

  • While you Login, display your registered name with us.

  • When you login for each session kindly keep the Video ON, this is a MUST for attending this online Marriage preparation course.

  • Always login 5 minutes in advance so that sessions start on time.

  • Do refer to offline course material made available during the sessions for enhanced understanding of the subject.

  • Only if you are present for all the sessions with VIDEO ON, the certificate of participation is issued.

  • When logged in to zoom kindly enter the Room with your name in the display, as registered with us, so that you are identified rightly.

  • The Third day’s session at 5:00 pm has to be attended by your parents along with you and this particular class will be in Malayalam.

  • There will be feedback forms to fill and online Exams after every class. Completion of the feedback forms and Exam quiz is mandatory for issuing course completion certificate.

For any more clarification please write to us

7719890013 / 7767808685

​Registration Closed

Note: The registration will only be completed once the payment is done. Please send the receipt of the payment transaction at

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"To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others."

Pope Saint John Paul II

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"The family is the fundamental locus of the covenant between the Church and God’s creation."

Pope Francis

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About Us

The Catholic Diocese of St. Ephrem Khadki-Pune supports the families in living a grace filled life through the Family Apostolate. 

We train couples to understand the inner depth and dynamics of marriage and train them to cope with the challenges they experience at different stages of their life.

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